Wednesday, June 19, 2019

     What About Math        

     -- A blog with math resources for Learning --

When you suddenly understand something in math--
that you've tried and tried- again and again to   get--- and you finally get it:  That's the best feeling. This is a math "light bulb" moment. You are happy (and relieved) because you understand; and math is cool.

SUCCESS! finally

Success is the end result of multiple failures.  Failure is an important part of learning. Especially in math.

None of us are the same. We all lean differently.

This blog is searching for the different ways we all learn math, especially kids.

Once in a while, a teacher just knows what to say about a math lesson; and knows how to say it so that the "light bulb" goes on in our head.

In the end we just need to keep re-creating ourselves and keep going after the math.  Find a new teacher, find a different video, read a different book, ask another math student, look online.

Math is fun because sometimes you have to work to get there; and when you realize that you have had a breakthrough----its yours, no one can take it from you.  Its all you--crushing it!!

Image result for i love math

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