You can learn how to make a stop motion projects using the free version of LIFE LAPSE app.
It's Fun to learn and easy to use. Imagination is your only limitation. Projects can be made in class with iPad or with a phone. YouTube has several tutorials posted and you can get ideas from there.
Now, in addition to large poster boards and art supplies, you can make a stop motion project as part of your math or social studies lesson. They can be posted in Google Classroom.
Your Stop Motion projects can be combined with podcasts, blogs, and class videos in Google Classroom.
This is a short tutorial with professional stop motion artist and producer, Trisha Zemp.
"Four Tips to Make Your Stop Motion Videos Look Really Good."
If you get excited about this -- like Trisha-- and want to start making stop motion projects all the time, the Life Lapse app is only a few dollars a month.