Friday, August 2, 2019

Digital Video Project with rubric link

Here is a digital video project, with a focus on education. 

Video was collected over a 5 hour period in an outdoor learning environment on watershed science.  iMovie was used as the film editor.  
Most of the time went into reviewing the material, choosing what would be included in the first cut, and then compiling this down into a draft version.  It took several hours from there, to edit down what is shown here [this is cut 30].  I thought most of the time would be spent in filming.  But, it turns out the reviewing and editing takes most of your time and thought processes. . .  
So here is the result. 

Studying our water landscapes, insects, and plant communities.

Combining computers with hands-on learning:

            Children watched videos about watersheds then led group discussions on sustainable
                                                          habitats and watershed health.

This film is the result of a day of following an outdoor classroom. Through-out the day, children learned about plant communities, watersheds, riparian habitats, and insects, Using interactive computer maps and exploring thought-maps of watersheds- upstream, downstream impacts, they learned how to enter data to generate field maps for water quality data in their study of habitat diversity in riparian zones.

Here is the link to Rubric for Digital Video Project

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