Friday, August 2, 2019

Introduction to Blended Learning Series

As more and more people recognize the importance of incorporating online technology into our classrooms-- more opportunities and resources become available to teachers.

This is, especially exciting for MATH, because blended learning opens up an environment for different learning styles and especially for the different paces of concept understanding.

In MATH, each student reaches mastery in different ways and at different times. Blended learning strives to give students resources so they can build knowledge, at their pace, both inside and outside the classroom. It removes traditional constraints on math skills acquisition because students have multiple resources available to them, including lectures that can be revisited at home for understanding. 

In math it can be really stressful when the lesson "goes" too fast.  And if we can't keep up with what the teacher is teaching, we get lost; this may cause us to shut down, which further delays our ability to get the important math concepts we need to build on.
Blended learning give the student a lot more control over the resources they need to learn.

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